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Frozen semi-finished products added to the delivery menu
Frozen semi-finished products added to the delivery menuFrozen semi-finished products added to the delivery menu
Frozen semi-finished products added to the delivery menu

We are pleased to inform you that we are expanding the range of our delivery products. And we have just added two pages of frozen semi-finished products to our menu.

Please, see the prices on the attached photos (taxes included).

Delivery is FREE under condition of making order in the following minimum amounts:

- Sosua, Sea Horse Ranch, La Mulata, Bombita, Perla Marina, Laguna Beach, El Choco, Casa Linda - 500 RD
- Kite Beach, Encuentro and Cabarete - 1000 RD
- Sabaneta - 1500 RD
- Gaspar Hernandez - 3000 RD
- Puerto Plata - 4000 RD

Delivery hours:

✔ 11 am - 4 pm in all the areas indicated above.

✔ 11 am - 9 pm on the territory of the Sosua Ocean Village residential community.

 For orders call us at +1(829)520-8999 or +1(829)961-4455

SOV beer for sale
SOV beer for sale

Take advantage of our offer on SOV craft beer, the only one certified in the area, totally natural and very tasty. Hurry up since very soon we will change the price:

100 RD$ for 1.5L bottle until Wednesday, April 8.

150 RD$ for 1.5 L bottle starting Thursday, April 9.

Beer is for sale at the lobby of Sosua Ocean Village or you can order its delivery to your home. 

Delivery is FREE under condition of making order in the following minimum amounts:

- Sosua, Sea Horse Ranch, La Mulata, Bombita, Perla Marina, Laguna Beach, El Choco, Casa Linda - 500 RD
- Kite Beach, Encuentro and Cabarete - 1000 RD
- Sabaneta - 1500 RD
- Gaspar Hernandez - 3000 RD
- Puerto Plata - 4000 RD
- Río San Juan - 5000 RD

Delivery hours:

- 11 am - 4 pm in all the areas indicated above.

- 11 am - 9 pm within the Sosua Ocean Village residential.

☎ +1(829)520-8999, +1(829)961-4455

Upgrades on food delivery service
Upgrades on food delivery serviceUpgrades on food delivery serviceUpgrades on food delivery service
Upgrades on food delivery service

1️) We have just extended the delivery menu.

2) We are offering our food delivery service on a wider territory and on the new schedule according to the new presidential orders about curfew.

Delivery hours:

- 11 am - 4 pm in Sosua, Cabarete, Sea Horse Ranch, Encuentro, Perla Marina, Laguna Beach, El Choco and La Mulata

- 11 am - 9 pm on the territory of our residential community Sosua Ocean Village

3) For our most loyal customers:

-  With the minimum purchase of RD $ 1,000 you will receive a discount coupon of 15% for your next purchase.

-  With the purchase of each RD $ 500 we give you a 1 and a half liter SOV beer.

- For lovers of social networks: we'll give you a 10% discount coupon every time you make a publication with a photo of you order. To get this discount you should tag us (@restaurante_maria or @sosua_ocean_village). And we'll send you this coupon in a direct message.

4️) For the property owners of Sosua Ocean Village we introduce the post payment service: you can pay for your delivery orders at the beginning of each month. In this case the amount of money to pay for your restaurant orders will be added to your regular monthly maintenance fee bill.

If you would like to use this service, please inform us by emailing at cs@sov.do and we will send you a personal discount code that must be communicated to our restaurant staff at the moment of making your order.

For orders call us at +1(829)520-8999 o +1(829)961-4455
