fbpx Sosua Ocean Village | Real Estate in the Dominican Republic since 2006
Laguna City
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New attraction at Laguna SOV!
New attraction at Laguna SOV!New attraction at Laguna SOV!New attraction at Laguna SOV!
New attraction at Laguna SOV!

Have fun riding an inflatable boat at our lagoon for just RD$150 per 30 minutes. Children should be accompanied by adults. Be sure to try it out and let us know about your experience!

Book online at www.sov.do!
Book online at www.sov.do!

We are glad to announce that now you are going to be able to book online any of our available properties (villas/studios/apartments) directly through our website www.sov.do! Only by booking through our official website you will receive the latest offers. For long term rentals please email at rent@sov.do.

New walkways for pedestrians
New walkways for pedestrians

We are working on making our community even safer and accesible for pedestrians. There are now walkways around the development, so that you could jog and walk around safely enjoying great views!
